New Evidence Suggests That Man First Arrived In The Americas 26,500 Years Ago
The Clovis people have first arrived in the Americas about 15,000 years ago. Researchers have just found evidence that people visited a cave in Mexico 30,000 years ago; however, who they were and where they came from remains a mystery. Archaeologists have constantly discovered stone tools that suggest human presence between 11,000 and 13,000 years…

Civilization 8000 Year Old Mayans Found In Mexico!
An ancient ocher mine discovered in submerged caves on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula has given insights into the lives of some of the first inhabitants of the Americas. Scientists from the Quintana Roo Aquifer System Research Center (CINDAQ) found a Civilisation 8000 Year Old Mayans in a complex of underwater caves in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico)….

Alien Metal From Mysterious Craft Fell In Europe 36 Years After Roswell UFO Crash
Time has a habit of slowly erasing the fragile traces of history. Where the dry sands of the Roswell desert in New Mexico preserve faint traces of a metal object that fell to Earth 86 years ago in 1947, the unforgiving limestone rocks and frequently harsh wet weather of Lanillar in Mid-Wales have eroded all traces of…

Unknown Civilization Or UFO? Who Sent Signals To Navy From Ocean Depth?
During the cold war, the US and the Soviet navy had been encountering strange sounds from the dept of ocean off the coast of Norway. Both superpowers put huge efforts into hiding their submarines, and into detecting the other side’s submarines, and as a result, there were huge advances in the technology required for listening…

Did N.O.A.A Confirm The Existence Of Sea Monsters
Julia is the name given to the unknown source of a sound recorded on March 1, 1999. It was recorded on the eastern equatorial Pacific using an autonomous hydrophone array. Heard for many thousands of kilometers, the source of the sound has been largely dismissed as an iceberg running aground somewhere off of Antarctica. It’s…

The Mysterious UFO Base In The Kongka La Pass
The Himalayas, mountains, and hills are included among India’s most calm and attractive places. Many people who are bored of their monotonous lives want to spend a few weeks in the lap of a beautiful region. They want to investigate and record some of the most unusual and spectacular moments they will remember for the…

Archaeologists Have Never Seen Anything Like This 3,500-Year-Old Bronze Hand
Archaeologists in Switzerland have come across a genuinely baffling, yet potentially significant, discovery buried within an ancient grave: a 3,500-year-old bronze hand with a gold cuff around the wrist. Nothing like this has ever been unearthed in this part of Europe, so the researchers are not exactly sure what they are dealing with. It certainly…

“Prehistoric Alien Mines” Found On Lake Superior?
Lake Superior, the largest of the North American Great Lakes, is also the largest freshwater lake globally by a surface area believed to have first been inhabited 10,000 years ago. However, there exist copper mines upon many of the lakes islands, which many researchers have concluded to be prehistoric. A sophisticated array of tunnels litters…

The Case Of 2 Miners Who Met The Ctones: The Tribe That Lives In The Depths Of The Earth
On February 28, 2003, a mine collapsed near the Chinese city of Jixi, Heilongjiang Province. 14 miners did not return with their families. But this story became famous 5 years later when there was an unexpected turn of events .The rescue teams recovered the bodies of only 12 of the 14 missing miners. Two of…

A mysterious object in the sky over Italy has baffled experts
“Last week, a strange object was spotted in the sky over the Italian city of Celle di Bulgheria, sparking a lively debate online about its origin. The object was captured by Ana Ida Guida, who shared the image on Facebook and asked her followers what it could be. ‘I took photos outside my balcony. Actually,…